MMAAC Football Chili COOK OFF
DECEMBER 12th, 2021 3PM-?
21207 W Six Mile Rd Franksville, WI 53126
$10 entry Fee $5 w/ Chili Entry
Chili Entries start at 3pm
Bring your chili entry, we will provide sample cups and utensils
50/50 Raffle
Most Fanatical Fan Contest
Speaker Steve C. Rockford, IL. @ 5:30pm
Prizes for winner of chili cook off @ 5pm
1stTwo Registration fees to MMAAC convention and two MMAAC apparel items
2nd One Registration fee to MMAAC convention and One MMAAC apparel item
Fanatical Fan Contest Winner
One Registration fee to MMAAC convention and one MMAAC apparel item
Fellowship & Football Party
50/50 Football pool