The Freedom, Faith and Fellowship AA Group AKA The Midwest Motorcycle Alcoholics Anonymous Convention (MMAAC) is
registered with, and recognized by the General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc. New York, NY.
10163 as an AA group # 673991 in good standing.

The Mission Statement as revised in 2014:

In October 2000, a committee was formed to host a convention that would follow GSO and AA guidelines. The convention
would offer speaker meetings, alcathons, games, and promote fun and fellowship as a family event. It would also allow
alcoholics to continue their main purpose, “To carry the message”. There is only one requirement, as stated in our third
tradition, “A desire to stop drinking”. It is a campout convention with local hotel accommodations available. The
committee hopes those who attend have an enjoyable and memorable experience within the AA community.

The First and Second Annual Midwest Motorcycle Alcoholics Anonymous Convention was held
in Nelson, Illinois and was attended by many from a variety of states.

The Third thru Thirteenth years were held in Pearl City, IL and attendees came from far away as NY, TX
and FL

In 2014 we relocated to the Winnebago County Fairgrounds in Pecatonica, IL

It is currently in it’s 17th year and is hosted, sponsored and organized by a committee of individual
of A.A. (The Freedom, Faith and Fellowship AA Group) who have a love for both the fellowship and motorcycles.
AA Traditions and GSO Convention Guidelines are followed to the best of our ability.

Make no mistake, this is a Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous, first and foremost.

All makes of motorcycles are warmly welcomed

-But We Insist………….

“The Only Requirement Is A Desire To Stop Drinking, Motorcycles Are Not

Website Privacy Policy

MMAAC.ORG has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm
commitment to privacy and anonymity.
The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website: MMAAC.ORG

MMAAC.ORG does not use cookies to track in any way its users.

MMAAC.ORG contains photos that include people that
are considered unrecognizable per the A.A. 12 Traditions.

MMAAC.ORG will never share, donate, give, distribute any
(including e-mail addresses) from its users. Ever.

For more information contact our

MMAAC.ORG (2000-2021)

Green Lake Roundup
Our friends to the north, can be found at: